Insights into Fundraising

Learn how to approach fundraising to create urgency and close your round successfully!

Join 100+ founders 

Learn in 2 weeks how to get ready for your fundraise!

Learn how to raise from family offices, angels and VCs!

Helped founders who raised in total more than $100m

Who’s this for?

New Founders

  • Fundraising Strategy and Tactics
  • Narrative and Storytelling

Serial Entrepreneurs

  • How to find investors
  • Investor introductions and approach
  • Getting the best terms 


  • Understand the full process of fundraising from A to Z
  • Connect with other founders

Improve your fundraising process

Narrative and Story

Investor Introductions

Fundraising Strategy

Negotiation and Terms

  • Get your narrative and story ready
  • Prepare your pitch deck
  • Learn how to find investors and how to use investor lists
  • Create urgency by having a fundraising strategy
  • Learn how to get investor intros
  • Understand key legal terms and negotiation tactics
  • Plan your investor reach out

What you’ll learn



Thursday, 17th August,
4pm GMT

Narrative and Story as the key ingredient for a great pitch deck.

  • Learn how to get the attention from your email blurb to your deck and your actual pitch to the investor.

Thursday, 24th August,
4pm GMT

Fundraising strategy and tactics.

  • How to find investors and how to use investor lists.
  • How to get introductions. 
  • Learn how to create urgency by categorising your investors into tiers and personas and plan out your outreach.

Free Templates & Tools to Supercharge your Fundraise

Every week, gain access to a new resource you can use to help you with the process

Narrative and story telling template

Follow a structure to help you create a nice flow and a clean story

Investor persona and funnel template

Understand the different type of investors and adjust your approach for different audiences. 

Family Office and angel lists

Get acces to more than 1,000+ angels and family offices

Email reach out templates and process

Learn how to get introductions to investors from other portfolio companies

Investor turned operator 

I raised $4m from family offices and angels to create Alphawell Brands, a profitable holding group of internet businesses, growing 200% annually.

Prior to being an operator, I spent close to 10 years in finance. I understand how investors think and how funds tick. I invested in some of UK’s leading VC funds and several Seed and Series A businesses which continued to raise subsequent rounds.

Being part of various business communities, I am observing and learning best-practices on fundraising from some of the largest raises out there.

Mentioned in:

Track record

Completed $7bn+
M&A and financing deals 

Reviewed 500+ companies and lead investments and exits at a family office, a hedge fund and a private equity fund

Personally raised $4m+ from
family offices and angels

My team has scaled companies backed by some of the leading funds

Get the insider tactics on raising from family offices, angels and VCs

Check out my content